Medical Bookssurgery Books





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Similar Books
Introduction to Surgery by NIH

Introduction to Surgery by NIH

Surgery is used for a great variety of diseases, including cancer treatment. In fact, it is the oldest form of treatment for cancer and until the mid 20th century, surgery was considered the only treatment modality that could cure patients with cancer. This page online covers the following topics related to Introduction to Surgery : Surgery, Types of Surgery, Approaches of Surgery, Surgical Techniques, Surgery Data Fields, Review.

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New elements of operative surgery Volume 3

New elements of operative surgery Volume 3

This book explains Operations carried out for the correction of deformities and defects, repair of injuries, and diagnosis and cure of certain diseases.

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Essential Surgical Skills

Essential Surgical Skills

Essential surgical skills are vital for the training of trainees in surgical practice. In this manual we intended to highlight the practical and management skill for health officer students. The management skill was attempted to be addressed through a short theoretical introduction and case scenarios. The case scenarios are meant to elicit discussion and to revise the subject matter in that specific chapter.

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Manual of Surgery Volume Second

Manual of Surgery Volume Second

This book covers the following topics: Injuries of Bone, Injuries of Joints, Injuries in the Region of the Shoulder and Upper Arm, Injuries in the Region of the Elbow and Forearm, Injuries in the Region of the Wrist and Hand, Injuries in the Region of the Pelvis, Hip-Joint, and Thigh, Injuries in the Region of the Knee and Leg, Diseases of Individual Joints, Deformities of the Extremities, The Cranium and its Contents, Injuries of the Skull, Diseases of the Brain and Membranes, iseases of the Cranial Bones, Diseases of the Vertebral Column and Spinal Cord, The Face, Orbit, and Lips, The Salivary Glands, The Neck, The Thyroid Gland.

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On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery

On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery

Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery is a paper regarding antiseptics written by Joseph Lister in 1867.

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Manual of Surgery

Manual of Surgery

This book will teach all the areas of general surgery.

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Eaton Textbook of Hand Surgery

Eaton Textbook of Hand Surgery

This note covers the following topics: Anatomy of the Hand such as organs and regions, Hand Therapy, common hand problems, painful hand problems, bent fingers, cuts and breaks, lumps and bumps, Classification and Staging and treatment of hand problems.

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eMedicine Vascular Surgery

eMedicine Vascular Surgery

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Perioperative Care

Perioperative Care

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Vascular Surgery

Vascular Surgery

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allRefer Health   Surgery and Procedures

allRefer Health Surgery and Procedures

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Royal College of Surgeons of England   Publications

Royal College of Surgeons of England Publications

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Perioperative care   eMedicine [English]

Perioperative care eMedicine [English]

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