One computer programming
language was designed specifically for business, Common Business-Oriented
Language, COBOL. COBOL has been transforming and supporting business globally
since its invention in 1959. COBOL is responsible for the efficient, reliable,
secure and unseen day-to-day operation of the world�s economy. This PDF covers
the following topics related to COBOL :Getting started, Why COBOL, VSCode
with Zowe Explorer, VSCode with Z Open Editor, VS Code with Code4z Open-Source
Extension Package, Zowe CLI and Zowe CLI Plug-ins, Installation of VSCode and
extensions, Installation of Zowe CLI and Plug-ins, Basic COBOL, Data division,
File handling, Program structure, File output, Conditional expressions,
Arithmetic expressions, Data types, Intrinsic functions.
Author(s): Michael Bauer, Zeibura Kathau, Makenzie
Manna, Paul Newton, Jonathan Sayles, William Yates