Our Ocean Planet Oceanography in the 21st Century by Robert
File Type :Online Number of Pages :NA
Description This note covers the following topics: earth system science , why study
the ocean, whats new, the ocean and climate , the co, evidence for global
warming , earths radiation balance , the carbon cycle the ocean and the iron
hypothesis, microbial food web , abrupt climate change , modeling the climate
system , climate change policy issues, el nio and tropical heat , equatorial
currents, observing the tropical pacific , forecasting el nino, el nino
teleconnections , el nino policy issues , oceans influence on north american
drought , tsunamis,earthquakes, storm surges , types of coasts, beach processes
, coastal erosion , coastal issues, introduction to coastal pollution, sources
of coastal pollution, alien species, harmful algal blooms, oil spills and
aftermath, coastal pollution policy issues, fisheries issues , fish and
fisheries, marine food webs, phytoplankton distribution, invertebrates the other
food source, fisheries policy issues , how to find useful material on the web ,
the anthropocene, shiftinging baselines, tragedy of the commons, coastal zone