This text introduces undergraduate students to the
field of microcontrollers – what they are, how they work, how they interface
with their I/O components, and what considerations the programmer has to observe in
hardware-based and embedded programming. Covered topics are: Microcontroller Basics, Microcontroller
Components and Communication Interfaces.
This book covers the following topics:
Hardware Architecture, pinouts Functional Building Blocks of Processor Memory
organization I/O ports and data transfer concepts Timing Diagram Interrupts-
Data Transfer, Manipulation, Control Algorithms and I/O instructions, Comparison
to Programming concepts with 8085.
Author(s): St. Anne's
College of Engineering and Technology
The purpose of this
book is not to make a microcontroller expert out of you, but to make you equal
to those who had someone to go to for their answers. Book contains many
practical examples, complete assembler instruction set, appendix on MPLAB
program package and more.