
Finding True North for those who care for the nation's women, infants, children, youth, and families. Recognizing that high-quality maternal and child health (MCH) services are vital to the health of the nation, NCEMCH was established in 1982 at Georgetown University as a national resource to the MCH community. NCEMCH's multidisciplinary staff collaborates with a broad range of federal agencies, corporate and philanthropic partners, professional organizations, and academic institutions. Read more about the center.

Join Our Team! NCEMCH is looking for a Research Specialist/Program Manager to help coordinate and advance the multiple projects at the center, including the MCH Navigator, MCH Evidence Center, MCH Digital Library, HealthCheck, and the Health Center Clearinghouse. Read more and apply here.

Highlighted NCEMCH Projects

NCEMCH's JEDI Statement

We are an organization committed to the principles of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and Inclusion and Accessibility (JEDI). We would like to share our beliefs with you and how we integrate these beliefs in our work.

Exciting News

  • NCEMCH is proud to continue its 40 years of service to the MCH community!
  • Celebrate the career of our Head Librarian, Olivia Pickett, as she looks forward to (semi-)retirement!

Stay Informed

The MCHalert is a free quarterly electronic newsletter that works to "leverage learning to leadership" in five areas:

  1. From the Field showcases the latest trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator and resources collected by the MCH Digital Library.
  2. New from NCEMCH introduces new resources developed by the National Center for Education in MCH (NCEMCH) for immediate use in your daily work or research.
  3. What Works highlights evidence-linked resources from the MCH Evidence Center to ensure that your programs have impact with the communities you serve.
  4. Advancing Academics provides the latest news and resources from the Association of Teachers in MCH (ATMCH) for student and current/emerging teachers of MCH.
  5. Leveraging Learning shares implementation resources from the National MCH Workforce Development Center that lead to real-time impact and advance health equity.
  • NCEMCH Blocks
  • Programs
  • Knowledge
  • Workforce
  • Learn

NEW Highlights

Children's Bureau National Archives Collection. This new digitized collection of 6,000 documents represents the largest digitized collection tracing children's health throughout the twentieth century. 

What Works Evidence Accelerators. These briefs summarize the latest strategies and practices as potential approaches for advancing each of the National Performance Measure topic areas.

MCHsmart. This comprehensive learning program delivers the core content of a structured program in a format that is accessible to MCH professionals, students, and current/future faculty.

MCHwork. The National MCH Workforce Development Center and the MCH Navigator have teamed up to share a new microlearning program to actively engage busy professionals on thematic topics.

Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH). NCEMCH works with the University of Alabama, Birmingham, to grow and support excellence in teaching MCH.

New Results-Based Accountability (RBA) Tools. Two new tools: 1) Turn the Curve Strategy Tool and 2) ESM Measurement Tool integrate health equity considerations into RBA processes.

Spotlight on Workforce Resilience. This new training spotlight is structured based on the seven characteristics of the Resilient Individual Framework.

Rapid Review: The Relation of Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health

Building on Campaigns with Conversations. This series of learning modules is designed for professionals who interact with families on topics of safe sleep and breastfeeding.

Around the Table: Promoting Healthy Eating Through Food & Culture. This 6-module online curriculum explores the relationship between food and culture to address childhood obesity.

Where to Find MCH Resources: An Introduction. This 20-minute overview presents sources of public health information for MCH workforce.

New Digitized Resources. The EPSDT Hiscock Historical Collection is now available full-text online. Search by keyword or by topic area.