Institut für Physik und Physikalische Technologien
der Technischen Universität Clausthal
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lücke   (im Vorruhestand)

Relativistic Quantum Field Theory

SS 1998


Title Page, Preface and Table of Contents [ps]
1. General Quantum Theory [ps]5
1.1. Basic Logical Structure 5
1.1.1. Classical Logic and General Notions 5
1.1.2. Quantum Logic 6
1.1.3. Quantum Reasoning 8
1.1.4. Symmetries and Dynamics 12
1.2. Orthodox Quantum Mechanics 13
1.2.1. Logic and Observables 13
1.2.2. Symmetries and Dynamics 17
1.2.3. Algebras of Bounded Observables 18
1.2.4. State Functionals 19
1.3. Algebraic Formulation of General Quantum Theory 22
1.3.1. Partial States 22
1.3.2. GNS-Representation 25
1.3.3. Canonical Quantization 27
1.3.4. Spontaneously Broken Symmetries 32
2. Massive Scalar Fields [ps]35
2.1. Free Neutral Scalar Fields 35
2.1.1. 1-Particle Space 35
2.1.2. Fock Space 41
2.1.3. The Free Field 44
2.2. Wightman Theory for Neutral Scalar Fields 49
2.2.1. Wightman Axioms 49
2.2.2. Remarks on the Choice of the Space of Test Functions 51
2.2.3. Mathematical Tools 52
2.2.4. Some Standard Results 57
2.2.5. PCT Theorem 67
2.3. S-Matrix for Self-Interacting Neutral Scalar Fields 69
2.3.1. General Scattering Theory 69
2.3.2. Asymptotic Condition for Massive Neutral Scalar Particles 72
2.3.3. Evaluation of the Asymptotic Condition 76
2.3.4. Cluster Properties of the S-Matrix 83
2.4. Charged Scalar Fields 87
2.4.1. Free Charged Scalar Fields 87
2.4.2. Wightman Theory for Charged Scalar Fields 88
2.4.3. Scattering Theory 93
3. Perturbation Theory [ps]95
3.1. General Aspects 95
3.1.1. Interaction Picture 95
3.1.2. Canonical Field Quantization 98
3.2. Canonical Perturbation Theory 104
3.2.1. Dyson Series and Wick's Theorem 104
3.2.2. Counter Terms and Renormalization 104
3.2.3. Feynman Rules 109
3.3. Bogoliubov-Shirkov Theory 116
3.3.1. Basic Assumptions 116
3.3.2. General Solution 120
3.3.3. Generalization to Nonlocalizable Test Spaces 124
4. Quantum Electrodynamics [ps]133
4.1. The Free Electromagnetic Field Operators 133
4.1.1. Wightman Theory 133
4.1.2. Problems With the Quantized Potentials 135
4.1.3. Gupta-Bleuler Construction 138
4.1.4. Gupta-Bleuler Observables 142
4.2. The Quantized Free Dirac Field 147
4.2.1. Lorentz Transformations Characterized via Complex 2-2-Matrices 147
4.2.2. Relativistic Covariance in General 151
4.2.3. Dirac Particles 152
4.2.4. Quantized Dirac Field 162
4.3. The S-Matrix of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) 167
4.3.1. Naive Interaction Picture of QED 168
4.3.2. General Perturbation Theory 171
4.3.3. The Feynman Rules of QED 175
4.3.4. Example: Compton Scattering 178
References [ps]183

Last Changes: 18.07.2002 by Wolfgang Lücke
© 1996-2000 Institut für Physik und Physikalische Technologien, TU Clausthal
Quantum Information Processing Group