Programming Languages BooksAda Books

Ada Distilled An Introduction to Ada Programming (Richard Riehle)

Ada Distilled An Introduction to Ada Programming (Richard Riehle)

Ada Distilled An Introduction to Ada Programming (Richard Riehle)

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Ada Programming

Ada Programming

Ada puts unique emphasis on, and provides strong support for, good software engineering practices that scale well to very large software systems. This book, Ada Programming is a featured book on Wikibooks because it contains substantial content and it is well-formatted. If you are a beginner you will learn the latest standard , if you are a seasoned Ada user you can see what's new.

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Ada Quality and Style Guide

Ada Quality and Style Guide

The purpose of this guide is to help computer professionals produce better Ada programs by identifying a set of stylistic guidelines that will directly impact the quality of their Ada programs. This style guide is not intended to replace the Ada Reference Manual, or the Rationale, or to serve as a tutorial for the Ada programming language.

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