Chemical Engineering Books Energy Engineering Books

Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering by University of Michigan

Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering by University of Michigan

Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering by University of Michigan

This page contains lecture notes from a typical Chemical Reaction Engineering class.The lectures are categorized into 3 different filetypes: Animated, Plain, and PDF. The page has notes for the following : Mole Balances, Conversion and Reactor Sizing, Rate Laws, Stoichiometry - Liquid systems, Stoichiometry - Gas systems, CRE Algorithm, California Exam Problems, Pressure Drop, Membrane Reactors, Semibatch, Analysis of Rate, Series Reactions, Complex Reaction, Non-elementary Rate Laws, Bioreactor, Biogrowth, Steps in a Catalytic Reaction, Reaction Mechanism - Chemical Vapor Deposition, Energy Balance, Adiabatic Reactors, Adiabatic CSTR, Heat Exchange in a PFR, Reversible Reactions, Reversible Gas Phase Reaction with Heat Effects, Reactor Staging, etc.


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Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering by University of Michigan

Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering by University of Michigan

This page contains lecture notes from a typical Chemical Reaction Engineering class.The lectures are categorized into 3 different filetypes: Animated, Plain, and PDF. The page has notes for the following : Mole Balances, Conversion and Reactor Sizing, Rate Laws, Stoichiometry - Liquid systems, Stoichiometry - Gas systems, CRE Algorithm, California Exam Problems, Pressure Drop, Membrane Reactors, Semibatch, Analysis of Rate, Series Reactions, Complex Reaction, Non-elementary Rate Laws, Bioreactor, Biogrowth, Steps in a Catalytic Reaction, Reaction Mechanism - Chemical Vapor Deposition, Energy Balance, Adiabatic Reactors, Adiabatic CSTR, Heat Exchange in a PFR, Reversible Reactions, Reversible Gas Phase Reaction with Heat Effects, Reactor Staging, etc.

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Sustainable Energy Lecture Notes

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