This note explains the
following topics: Steel vs Concrete, Types of Reinforcing Bars or strands,
Properties of Structural steel, Codes, Structural Steel Products, Design
Methods, Loads, Types of Elements, Limit State Design, type of Fabrication or
Joints, Rivet Connection, Bolt Connection, Maximum Pitch, Failure Mechanism,
High Strength Friction Grip bolts, failure of black Bolt, Reduction Factors,
Bearing Failure of Bolts, Ecentric Connection with Bearing Type Bolts and Prying
This PDF covers the following topics
related to Advanced Steel Design : Simple Connections, Riveted, Bolted and
Welded Connections, Eccentric and Moment Connections , Analysis and Design of
Industrial Buildings, Design of Steel Truss Girder Bridges, Design of Steel
Bunkers and Silos.
Author(s): Mrs. Praveena Rao, Assistant Professor, Department
of Civil Engineering, IARE, Hyderabad
This note
covers the following topics: Materials, Making of iron and steel, Types of
structural steel, Mechanical properties of steel, Concepts of plasticity, Yield
strength, Design of compression members, Design of Beams, Plastic moment ,
Design of eccentric connections with brackets, End beam connections, Web angle,
Unstiffened and stiffened seated connections, Design of welded plate Girders,
Optimum depth, Design of main section, Design of end bearing, stiffness bearing
and intermediate stiffness.