The main
objective of this note is to provide students with a rational basis of the
design of reinforced concrete members and structures through advanced
understanding of material and structural behavior. Topics covered includes:
Strength and Deformation of Concrete under Various States of Stress, Failure
Criteria, Concrete Plasticity, Fracture Mechanics Concepts, Fundamental Behavior
of Reinforced Concrete Structural Systems and their Members, Basis for Design
and Code Constraints, High-performance Concrete Materials and their use in
Innovative Design Solutions, Slabs: Yield Line Theory, Behavior Models and
Nonlinear Analysis, and Complex Systems: Bridge Structures, Concrete Shells, and
This note explains Guiding
principles, Sources of tension, Detailing of beams, Flexural cracking,
Restrained shrinkage cracking in slabs, Detailing of columns, Detailing of beam
column connections, Detailing of corbels, Design of corbels, Control joints,
Typical control joint locations, Alternative shrinkage strip details,
Expansion joint details, Alternative structural hinge joints at base of a column.
This lecture note explains the following topics: Losses of Pre Stress, Flexure,
Analysis of Shear, Transfer of Prestress in Pretensioned Members, Composite Beam
and Deflection.