This note covers the following topics: Databases and database users, database system
concepts and architecture, relational data model, lab manual, the relational
data model and constraints, Relational algebra and calculus, sql, basic sql,
JDBC API to access relational databases in java, JDBC API javadoc, sun JDBC,
JDBC scrollable resultsets, oracle JDBC drivers for java 6, ER model, enhanced
ER model.
This lecture
note covers introduction to database, management system, Introduction to basic
concepts of database systems, History of database systems, View of data,
Database languages, Database architecture and relational model.
The contents include: What is DBMS, The relational data model,
Entity-Relationship (E/R)modelling, Relational algebra and relational calculus, SQL, Case Study - Cancer
registry for the NHS –challenges, Schema refinement I, Schema refinement II, Schema refinement III and
advanced design,On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP), Case Study - Cancer registry for the NHS
-Experiences, XML as a data exchange format.
Author(s): Ken Moody, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge,UK
purpose of this note is to give students about an understanding of what database
systems are, why we use them, how to use common database systems efficiently
and how database systems work internally. Also teaches about variety of data
management tasks and different approaches to them.
This note covers the following topics: Databases and database users, database system
concepts and architecture, relational data model, lab manual, the relational
data model and constraints, Relational algebra and calculus, sql, basic sql,
JDBC API to access relational databases in java, JDBC API javadoc, sun JDBC,
JDBC scrollable resultsets, oracle JDBC drivers for java 6, ER model, enhanced
ER model.