Earth Sciences BooksGeology Books

Geology For Engineers

Geology For Engineers

Geology For Engineers

IN these days of specializing in " watertight compartments," the bearing of geology in relation to almost every branch of engineer-ing is very frequently neglected or ignored. A knowledge of geology is, however, of the first importance to the practical engineer, but it is difficult for him to study the application of this science to his requirements without having recourse to a large number of different textbooks and other works. References to geology which are often of the greatest practical importance are often almost hidden away or treated in an obscure fashion, where- as the engineer requires the needful information to be put before him in a clear and concise manner. To meet this want I have endeavoured to compile the requisite information in one volume, in the hope that it may serve as a handy book of reference. GEOLOGY is the science which investigates the history of the earth. It treats of the nature and formation of the rocks which form the solid framework of the globe ; of the agents which produce changes in these rocks ; and of the history of the past life, whose remains (fossils) are buried in them.


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