Earth Sciences BooksPhysical Oceanography Books

Wave Motion in the Ocean and the Atmosphere

Wave Motion in the Ocean and the Atmosphere

Wave Motion in the Ocean and the Atmosphere

This lecture note provides an introduction to basic ideas of geophysical wave motion in rotating, stratified, and rotating-stratified fluids. Subject begins with general wave concepts of phase and group velocity. It also covers the dynamics and kinematics of gravity waves with a focus on dispersion, energy flux, initial value problems, etc.


sNA Pages
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Wave Motion in the Ocean and the Atmosphere

Wave Motion in the Ocean and the Atmosphere

This lecture note provides an introduction to basic ideas of geophysical wave motion in rotating, stratified, and rotating-stratified fluids. Subject begins with general wave concepts of phase and group velocity. It also covers the dynamics and kinematics of gravity waves with a focus on dispersion, energy flux, initial value problems, etc.

sNA Pages
Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography

Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography

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Topics in Oceanography

Topics in Oceanography

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sNA Pages