This lecture note includes the following
contents : Introduction to Control system, Feedback Characteristics of Control
systems and sensitivity measures, Control System Components, Time Domain
Performance Analysis of Linear Control Systems, The Stability of Linear Control
Systems , Root Locus Technique, Frequency Domain Analysis.
Author(s): Department of Electrical Engineering, Veer
Surendra Sai University of Technology
This lecture note includes the following
contents : Introduction to Control system, Feedback Characteristics of Control
systems and sensitivity measures, Control System Components, Time Domain
Performance Analysis of Linear Control Systems, The Stability of Linear Control
Systems , Root Locus Technique, Frequency Domain Analysis.
Author(s): Department of Electrical Engineering, Veer
Surendra Sai University of Technology
This site has PDF lecture notes
in the following topics : Introduction, Introduction to Industrial Automation
and Control, Architecture of Industrial Automation Systems, Measurement Systems,
Process Control, Programmable Logic Control Systems, CNC Machines, Actuators,
Electrical Machine Drives, Industrial Embedded and Communication Systems,