Electrical Engineering Books Energy Systems Books

Electrochemical Energy Systems by MIT

Electrochemical Energy Systems by MIT

Electrochemical Energy Systems by MIT

Topics covered in the lectures of the site are : Introduction, Basic Physics of Galvanic Cells, Electrochemical Energy Conversion, Electrochemical Energy Storage , Circuit Models, Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Transport Phenomena.


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Energy Distribution Systems by OSU

Energy Distribution Systems by OSU

The topics of notes in this site are as follows : Overview of the Electrical Grid, Three-Phase Power Fundamentals, Power Transformers, Transmission Lines, Power Flow, High-Voltage DC Transmission, Fault Analysis, System Protection, Electrical Power Distribution.

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Energy Systems and Control byScott Moura

Energy Systems and Control byScott Moura

This book provides an introduction to energy system management and the underlying control system tools. Applications of interest include batteries, electric vehicles, renewable energy, power systems, and smart buildings/homes. Technical tools include system modeling, state-space representations, stability, parameter identification, state observers, feedback control, and optimization. The course notes in this site include : Modeling and Systems Analysis, State Estimation, Optimization, Machine Learning, Optimal Energy Management.

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