This book
online covers the following topics related to Introduction to Gauge Field Theory
: Path integrals, Path integrals in non-relativistic quantum mechanics,
Classical field theory, Quantum field theory of a scalar field, Scattering
amplitudes, Feynman rules for kcp* theory, Renormalisation of X(p4 theory,
Quantum field theory with fermions, Gauge field theories, Feynman rules for
quantum chromodynamics, Renormalisation of q c d and q e d at one-loop order, q
c d and asymptotic freedom, Spontaneous symmetry breaking, Feynman rules for
electroweak theory, Renormalisation of electroweak theory, Grand unified theory,
Field theories at finite temperature.
This PDF book covers the
following topics related to Non-equilibrium Quantum Field Theory : Fundamentals
of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Basics of Nonequilibrium Quantum Field
Theory, Gauge Invariance, Dissipation, Entropy, Noise and Decoherence, Thermal,
Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Regimes, Applications to Selected Current Research.
Author(s): Esteban A. Calzetta, University of Buenos Aires
and Conicet, Bei-lok B. Hu, University of Maryland
content in this site are as follows : Preliminaries, Classical Field Theory,
Canonical Quantization, Interacting Fields, The Dirac Equation, Quantizing the
Dirac Field, Quantum Electrodynamics.