content in this site are as follows : Preliminaries, Classical Field Theory,
Canonical Quantization, Interacting Fields, The Dirac Equation, Quantizing the
Dirac Field, Quantum Electrodynamics.
The content in this site are as follows : From Spins to Fields,
The Ising Model, Landau Mean Field Theory, Universality, Critical
Exponents, Landau-Ginzburg Theory, Domain Walls, The Lower Critical Dimension,
My First Path Integral, The Thermodynamic Free Energy (again); Correlation
Functions, Correlation Length; The Upper Critical Dimension, The Analogy with
Quantum Field Theory, The Renormalisation Group, The Big Idea, Universality
Explained, Scaling Explained; Relevant, Irrelevant and Marginal; The Gaussian
Fixed Point, Dangerously Irrelevant Operators, Interactions, Feynman Diagrams;
the Epsilon Expansion, the Wilson-Fisher Fixed Point, A Sniff of Conformal
Symmetry, Continuous Symmetry, The Importance of Symmetry, O(N) Models,
Goldstone Bosons and Goldstone's Theorem, The Mermin-Wagner Theorem; Sigma
Models, Background Fields, Large N, the Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition,
Vortices, the Coulomb Gas, the Sine-Gordon Model, RG for KT and SG.