R is the open-source
statistical language that seems poised to take over the world of statistics
and data science. R is really more than a statistical package - it is a language
or an environment designed to produce statistical analysis and production of
high quality graphics. This page covers the following topics related to R
Programming : Introduction, RStudio, Basic R, Data I/O, Subsetting
Data in R, Data Summarization, Data Classes, Data Cleaning, Manipulating Data in
R, Data Visualization, Statistical Analysis in R, Functions, Simulations,
RMarkdown, Shiny, Solutions to Exercises.
This PDF covers the following
topics related to R Programming : Introduction, Basic Arithmetic and Objects ,
Data, Functions, Graphics, The apply Family of Functions, Arrays and Tables,
Strings, Classes and Methods, Debugging, Arithmetic Subtleties, List of the Most
Useful Functions in R.
R is the open-source
statistical language that seems poised to take over the world of statistics
and data science. R is really more than a statistical package - it is a language
or an environment designed to produce statistical analysis and production of
high quality graphics. This page covers the following topics related to R
Programming : Introduction, RStudio, Basic R, Data I/O, Subsetting
Data in R, Data Summarization, Data Classes, Data Cleaning, Manipulating Data in
R, Data Visualization, Statistical Analysis in R, Functions, Simulations,
RMarkdown, Shiny, Solutions to Exercises.