Programming Languages BooksPerl Books

Perl 5Internals (S. Cozens)

Perl 5Internals (S. Cozens)

Perl 5Internals (S. Cozens)

This book covers the following topics: Parts of the Interpreter, Internal Variables, The Lexer and the Parser, Fundamental operations, The Runtime Environment, The Perl Compiler, Hacking on perl and Perl 6 Internals.


sNA Pages
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Practical Perl Programming

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s104 Pages
Introduction to Perl and BioPerl

Introduction to Perl and BioPerl

This note explains the following topics: Perl program structure, Variable types, Scalars , Pragmas , Operators , Arrays , Hashes , Control structures, Loop modifers, Subroutines , Reading and Writing a file, Filehandles , Regular expressions, Regex anchors and operators, Running perl, POD tools, What is Bioperl, Gotchas , Objects in Perl, Interfaces and Inheritance in Bioperl, Bioperl components, Parse a sequence from file, output, Read in sequence and write out in different format, Sequence Databases.

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Web Client Programming with Perl

Web Client Programming with Perl

Web Client Programming with Perl is a behind-the-scenes look at how your web browser interacts with web servers. Readers of this book will learn how the Web works and how to write software that is more flexible, dynamic, and powerful than the typical web browser.

sNA Pages
Perl 5Internals (S. Cozens)

Perl 5Internals (S. Cozens)

This book covers the following topics: Parts of the Interpreter, Internal Variables, The Lexer and the Parser, Fundamental operations, The Runtime Environment, The Perl Compiler, Hacking on perl and Perl 6 Internals.

sNA Pages
Picking Up Perl, 2nd Edition (B.M. Kuhn, N.A. Smyth)

Picking Up Perl, 2nd Edition (B.M. Kuhn, N.A. Smyth)

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s Pages
BeginningPerl (by Simon Cozens)

BeginningPerl (by Simon Cozens)

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s Pages
PerlDesign Patterns

PerlDesign Patterns

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s Pages
Learning Perlthe Hard Way

Learning Perlthe Hard Way

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s Pages
PracticalPerl Programming (D. Marshall)

PracticalPerl Programming (D. Marshall)

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s Pages
Object Oriented Perl (PDF)Mirror

Object Oriented Perl (PDF)Mirror

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s Pages