This PDF
covers the following topics related to Scheme : The HOP Development Kit, A
Stepper for Scheme Macros, An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction,
SHard: a Scheme to Hardware Compiler, Automatic construction of parse trees for
lexemes, Rapid Case Dispatch in Scheme, Experiences with Scheme in an
Electro-Optics Laboratory, Gradual Typing for Functional Languages, Sage: Hybrid
Checking for Flexible Specifications, From Variadic Functions to Variadic
Relations: A miniKanren Perspective, A Self-Hosting Evaluator using HOAS,
Concurrency Oriented Programming in Termite Scheme, Interaction-Safe State for
the Web, Scheme for Client-Side Scripting in Mobile Web Browsing, or AJAX-Like
Behavior Without Javascript, Component Deployment with PLaneT: You Want it
This PDF
covers the following topics related to Scheme : The HOP Development Kit, A
Stepper for Scheme Macros, An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction,
SHard: a Scheme to Hardware Compiler, Automatic construction of parse trees for
lexemes, Rapid Case Dispatch in Scheme, Experiences with Scheme in an
Electro-Optics Laboratory, Gradual Typing for Functional Languages, Sage: Hybrid
Checking for Flexible Specifications, From Variadic Functions to Variadic
Relations: A miniKanren Perspective, A Self-Hosting Evaluator using HOAS,
Concurrency Oriented Programming in Termite Scheme, Interaction-Safe State for
the Web, Scheme for Client-Side Scripting in Mobile Web Browsing, or AJAX-Like
Behavior Without Javascript, Component Deployment with PLaneT: You Want it
This book is primarily intended as
the text for a first undergraduate course in computer science. It
introduce several abstract ideas in as concrete a way as possible. This book is
divided into three parts, dealing with procedural abstractions, data
abstractions, and abstractions of state.
Author(s): Max
Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight