PDF covers the following topics related to Standard ML : Why Is
Standard ML important?, Background, An Overview of the History of Standard ML,
The SML Type System, Modules, The Definition of Standard ML, Type Theory and New
Definitions of Standard ML, The SML Basis Library, Conclusion.
Author(s): David Macqueen, University of Chicago, Usa, Robert
Harper, Carnegie Mellon University, Usa, John Reppy, University of Chicago, Usa
This note covers the following topics:
Backus’ FP Systems, Mathematical Functions and First Steps in ML, Basic
Datatypes and Lists in ML, Evaluation of Expressions and Recursive Functions,
Local Declarations and Modules, Polymorphic Type Checking, Datatype Exception
and Recursive Datatypes, Reasoning about Functional Programs, Domain Theory and
Fixpoint Semantics, Imperative Programming.
These notes are an introduction to the
Standard ML programming language. Topics covered includes: Interacting with ML,
Polymorphism and Overloading, Exceptions, Basic expressions, values, and types,
Identfiers, bindings, and declarations, Modules System, Input and Output.