Category Theory Lecture Notes for ESSLLI (PDF 133P)
Category Theory Lecture Notes for ESSLLI (PDF 133P)
Category Theory Lecture Notes for ESSLLI (PDF 133P)
This note covers the following topics related to
Category Theory: Functional programming languages as categories, Mathematical structures as
categories, Categories of sets with structure, Categories of algebraic
structures, Constructions on categories, Properties of objects and arrows,
Functors, Diagrams and naturality, Products and sums, Cartesian closed
categories, Limits and colimits, Adjoints, Triples, Toposes, Categories with
monoidal structure.
This note covers the following topics: Preliminaries, Categories, Properties of objects
and arrows, Functors, Diagrams and naturality, Products and sums, Cartesian
closed categories, Limits and colimits, Adjoints, Triples, Toposes and
Categories with monoidal structure.
Author(s): Department of Mathematics
and Statistics,McGill University
This PDF book covers the
following topics related to Category Theory : Categories, Functors, Natural
Transformations, Universal Properties, Representability, and the Yoneda Lemma,
Limits and Colimits, Adjunctions, Monads and their Algebras, All Concepts are
Kan Extensions.
This PDF book covers the
following topics related to Category Theory : All concepts are Kan extensions,
Derived functors via deformations, Basic concepts of enriched category theory,
The unreasonably effective bar construction, Homotopy limits and colimits:
the practice, Weighted limits and colimits, Categorical tools for homotopy limit
computations, Weighted homotopy limits and colimits, Derived enrichment, Weak
factorization systems in model categories, Algebraic perspectives on the small
object argument, Enriched factorizations and enriched lifting properties, A
brief tour of Reedy category theory,. Preliminaries on quasi-categories,
Simplicial categories and homotopy coherence, Isomorphisms in quasi-categories,
A sampling of 2-categorical aspects of quasi-category theory.
This book explains the following topics: Categories, functors, natural
transformations, String diagrams, Kan extensions, Algebras, coalgebras,
bialgebras, Lambda-calculus and categories.
This book emphasizes
category theory in conceptual aspects, so that category theory has come to be
viewed as a theory whose purpose is to provide a certain kind of conceptual
Purpose of this course note
is to prove that category theory is a powerful language for understanding and
formalizing common scientific models. The power of the language will be tested
by its ability to penetrate into taken-for-granted ideas, either by exposing
existing weaknesses or flaws in our understanding, or by highlighting hidden
commonalities across scientific fields.
Category theory, a branch of abstract
algebra, has found many applications in mathematics, logic, and computer
science. Like such fields as elementary logic and set theory, category theory
provides a basic conceptual apparatus and a collection of formal methods useful
for addressing certain kinds of commonly occurring formal and informal problems,
particularly those involving structural and functional considerations. This
course note is intended to acquaint students with these methods, and also
to encourage them to reflect on the interrelations between category theory and
the other basic formal disciplines.