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Analog to Digital Converters Books

Analog to Digital Converters Books

There are many downloadable free Analog to Digital Converters books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Design of High Speed Analog to Digital Converters

This PDF book Design of High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Converters using Low-Accuracy Components covers the following topics related to Analog to Digital Converters : Design of High Speed ADCs, Introduction, Fundamentals of Analog-to-Digital Conversion, High-Speed ADC Architectures, ADC Building Blocks, Challenges and Trends, Conclusions.


s 92Pages

High Speed, Analog to Digital Converter Basics

This PDF book covers the following topics related to Analog to Digital Converters : Introduction, Spectral Performance Terminology, Nyquist, Aliasing, Undersampling, Oversampling, and Bandwidth, Interfacing With ADC Pins, Interleaving ADCs, Averaging ADCs,Dithering.


s 26Pages

ADC and DAC circuits

This note covers the following topics: DAC using binary-weighted resistors , R-2R ladder network, Thevenin resistance, R-2R ladder network: VTh for S0 = 1 , R-2R ladder network: VTh for S1 = 1, R-2R ladder network: RTh and VTh, DAC with R-2R ladder , DAC: settling time , 3-bit parallel (flash) ADC , Parallel (flash) ADC , ADC: sampling of input signal, Successive Approximation ADC, Counting ADC, Tracking ADC and Dual-slope ADC.


s 159Pages

Design of Integrated Building Blocks for the Digital/Analog Interface

This note describes the following topics: Data Converters and Performance Measures, Dynamic Element Matching, A Vernier TDC With Delay Latch Chain Architecture, Digital Recursive Oscillators, Sinusoid Test Signals for Digital-to-Analog Converters.


s 111Pages

Analog Digital interface Integrated Circuits

This lecture note explains the architectural and circuit level design and analysis of integrated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog interfaces in modern CMOS and BiCMOS VLSI technology. It also provides some information about Analog-digital converters: Nyquist and over-sampled, digital-analog converters, sample/hold amplifiers, continuous-time and switched-capacitor filters.


s NAPages

Data Converter Overview DACs and ADCs (PDF 21p)

This note covers the following topics: The need for Data Converters , A/D in the System , Effects of Sampling, Types of A/D Converters , Ideal input-output characteristics of a 3-bit DAC, Types of Encodings in A/Ds , Offset and Gain Errors in D/As, Monotonicity, INL and DNL for a D/A, Testing of DACs and Testing of an A/D Converter.


s 21Pages

Basics of Analog to Digital Converters (PDF 22p)

This note covers the following topics: Nyquist Frequency Analog-digital Converters, Classification Of Analog-digital Converters, Static Characterization Of Analog-to-digital Converters, Integral And Differential Nonlinearity, Nonlinear Propagation Time Delay, Aperature Jitter In S/HCircuits and Measurement Of Nonlinearity Using A Pure Sinusoid.


s 22Pages

Basics of Digital to Analog Converters (PDF 14p)

This note covers the following topics: Characterization Of Digital-analog Converters, Offset And Gain Errors, Integral And Differential Nonlinearity, Dynamic Characteristics Of Digital-analog Converters, Influence Of The Op Amp Gainbandwidth.


s 14Pages