Java BooksJava J2me Books

Distributed Gaming using J2ME (PDF 33P)

Distributed Gaming using J2ME (PDF 33P)

Distributed Gaming using J2ME (PDF 33P)

This note covers the following topics: J2ME concepts, MIDP applications, other technologies used, operating environment, design and implementation, system architecture, server design, game design, experiments and results.


s33 Pages
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J2ME Step by step

This PDF covers the following topics related to Java J2me : Tutorial tips, J2ME overview, Developing J2ME applications, J2ME configurations, J2ME profiles, Setting up your development environment, CLDC API, Development using KJava GUI components, Development using KJava event handling, MIDP API, CDC API, Summary.

s40 Pages
Application development with J2ME (PDF 24P)

Application development with J2ME (PDF 24P)

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