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Linear Algebra Books

There are many downloadable free Linear Algebra books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Linear Algebra Lecture Notes by Cesar

This note covers systems of linear equations, Row reduction and echelon form, Vector equations, The matrix equation, Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems, Linear independence, Introduction to linear mappings, Onto, One to one and standard matrix, Matrix algebra, Invertible matrices, Determinants, Properties of the determinant, Applications of the determinant, Vector spaces, Linear maps, Linear independence, Bases and dimension, The rank theorem, Coordinate systems, Change of basis, Inner products and orthogonality, Eigen values and eigen vectors, The characteristic polynomial, Diagonalization, Diagonalization of symmetric matrices, The PageRank algorithm, Discrete dynamical systems.


s 206Pages

Linear Algebra Jim Hefferon

This books covers the following topics: Linear Systems, Vector Spaces, Maps Between Spaces, Determinants, Similarity.


s 525Pages

A First Course in Linear Algebra by Ilijas Farah and K. Kuttler

The contents of this book include: Systems of Equations, Matrices, Determinants, Linear Transformations, Complex Numbers, Spectral Theory, Some Curvilinear Coordinate Systems, Vector Spaces.


s 608Pages

Lecture notes on Advanced Linear Algebra

This note covers the following topics: Motivation, linear spaces, and isomorphisms, Subspaces, linear dependence and independence, Bases, Dimension, direct sums, and isomorphism, Quotient spaces and dual spaces, Linear maps, nullspace and range, Nullity and rank, Matrices, Changing bases, Conjugacy, types of operators, dual space, determinants.


s 145Pages

Advanced Linear Algebra by David Surowski

This note explains the following topics: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, The spectral theorem, Tensor Products, Fourier Analysis and Quadrtic Reciprocity.


s 157Pages

A Brief Introduction to Linear Algebra

This note covers the following topics: Linear Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Homogeneous Systems and Vector Subspaces, Basic Notions, Determinants and Eigenvalues, Diagonalization, The Exponential of a Matrix, Applications,Real Symmetric Matrices, Classification of Conics and Quadrics, Conics and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers, Normal Modes.


s NAPages

Linear Algebra Notes by David A. Santos

The purpose with these notes is to introduce students to the concept of proof in linear algebra in a gentle manner. Topics covered includes: Matrices and Matrix Operations, Linear Equations, Vector Spaces, Linear Transformations, Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Linear Algebra and Geometry.


s 270Pages

Linear Algebra, Theory And Applications

This is a book on linear algebra and matrix theory. It provides an introduction to various numerical methods used in linear algebra. This is done because of the interesting nature of these methods. Topics covered includes: Matrices And Linear Transformations, Determinant, Row Operations, Factorizations, Vector Spaces And Fields, Linear Transformations, Inner Product Spaces, Norms For Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces.


s 503Pages

Linear Algebra A free Linear Algebra Textbook and Online Resource

This textbook is suitable for a sophomore level linear algebra course taught in about twenty-five lectures. It is designed both for engineering and science majors, but has enough abstraction to be useful for potential math majors. Our goal in writing it was to produce students who can perform computations with linear systems and also understand the concepts behind these computations.


s 436Pages