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Cloud Computing Books


Cloud Computing Books

There are many downloadable free Cloud Computing books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Lecture Notes on Cloud Computing

This note covers Cloud enabling technologies, Cloud architecture, Services and storage, Resource management and security in cloud, Cloud technologies and advancements.


s 241Pages

Cloud Computing Fundamentals

This note covers introduction to cloud computing, Definition of cloud computing, Roots of cloud computing, Layers and types of clouds, Desired features of a cloud, Cloud infrastructure management, Infrastructure as a service providers, Platform as a service providers and computing paradigms.


s 26Pages

Cloud computing for big data experiments

This PDF covers the following topics related to Cloud Computing for big data experiments: Grids and Cloud Computing, Amazon Web Services, Workflow Platform Ecosystem, Taverna, Galaxy, Tavaxy, Kepler, Pegasus, Cluster Deployment on Clouds, StarCluster, Elasticluster, CfnCluster, Apache Jclouds, Mesos, OpenMOLE & GridScale, GridScale AWS Module, Fully Automated Experiments.


s 88Pages

Cloud Computing by IARE

This PDF covers the following topics related to Cloud Computing : System Modeling, Clustering and Virtualization, Foundations, Virtual Machines Provisioning and Migration Services, Monitoring and Management, Governance and Case Studies.


s 106Pages

Lecture Notes On Cloud Computing by Sridevi Womens Engineering College

Cloud computing has been coined as an umbrella term to describe a category of sophisticated on-demand computing services initially offered by commercial providers, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. It denotes a model on which a computing infrastructure is viewed as a �cloud,� from which businesses and individuals access applications from anywhere in the world on demand .This PDF covers the following topics related to Cloud Computing : Introduction to Cloud Computing, Migrating Into a Cloud, Enriching the Integration as a Service Paradigm for the Cloud Era, the Enterprise Cloud Computing Paradigm, Monitoring, Management and Applications, Best Practices in Architecting Cloud Applications in the Aws Cloud, Legal Issues in Cloud Computing.


s 222Pages

Cloud Computing Architecture and Applications

This book presents some critical applications in cloud frameworks along with some innovation design of algorithms and architecture for deployment in cloud environment. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, engineers, practitioners, and graduate and doctoral students working in the field of cloud computing. It will also be useful for faculty members of graduate schools and universities.


s NAPages

Introduction to Cloud Computing by Srinath Beldona

This book covers the following topics: Basic Cloud computing principles, Deployment Models, Service Models, Economic Considerations, Operational Characteristics, Service Agreements including Service Level Agreements, Cloud Security, Cloud Risks and compliance, How to select a Cloud Provider.


s 100Pages

Introduction to Cloud Computing

This note explains the basics of the emerging cloud computing paradigm. Topics covered includes: What is Cloud Computing, Why Cloud Computing, What are its challenges and opportunities, How does Cloud Computing work and Parallel Processing.


s NAPages