This online books
contains the following contents:Introduction to the Helicopter, Aerodynamics of
Flight, Helicopter Flight Controls, Helicopter Components, Sections, and
Systems, Rotorcraft Flight Manual, Weight and Balance, Helicopter Performance,
Ground Procedures and Flight Preparations, Basic Flight Maneuvers, Advanced
Flight Maneuvers, Helicopter Emergencies and Hazards, Night Operations,
Effective Aeronautical Decision Making
This online books
contains the following contents:Introduction to the Helicopter, Aerodynamics of
Flight, Helicopter Flight Controls, Helicopter Components, Sections, and
Systems, Rotorcraft Flight Manual, Weight and Balance, Helicopter Performance,
Ground Procedures and Flight Preparations, Basic Flight Maneuvers, Advanced
Flight Maneuvers, Helicopter Emergencies and Hazards, Night Operations,
Effective Aeronautical Decision Making
This page covers the
following topics related to Helicopter Dynamics : Introduction, Basics of
helicopter aerodynamics, Helicopter systems, Power, Ground effect, Autorotation,
Helicopter stability and control, Flight performance, Conclusion.
This note covers the
following topics: Rotor Dynamics, Flap Dynamics, Coupled Flap-Lag-Torsion
Dynamics, Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroelastic Stability in Hover, Ground and Air
Resonance, Aeroelastic Stability in Forward Flight, Trailing Edge Flaps and
Tabs, CFD for Rotors, Helicopter Vibration, Rotor Tests in Wind Tunnel and in
This book
describes the recent progress in some engine technologies and active flow
control and morphing technologies and in topics related to aeroacoustics and
aircraft controllers. Both the researchers and students should find the material
useful in their work.
Flight dynamics deals
principally with the response of aerospace vehicles to perturbations in their
flight environments and to control inputs. Topics covered includes: Introduction
to Flight Dynamics, Implications of Vehicle Symmetry, Aerodynamic Control,
Atmospheric Properties, Lifting surface geometry and nomenclature, Aerodynamic
properties of airfoils, Aerodynamic properties of finite wings, Wing-tail
interference, Static Longitudinal Stability and Control, Dynamical Equations for
Flight Vehicles, Dynamic Stability, Control of Aircraft Motions.