Aerospace Dynamics MIT
This page cover the following topics
related to Space Dynamics : Aerospace Dynamics, Coriolis “Demystified”,
Dynamics, Introduction to Multiple Intermediate Frames, Momentum, Angular
Momentum, and Dynamics of a System of Particles, Numerical Solution of Nonlinear
Differential Equations, Lagrange’s Equations, Examples Using Lagrange’s
Equations, Virtual Work and the Derivation of Lagrange’s Equations, Friction in
Lagrange’s Equations, Kinematics of Rigid Bodies, Rigid Body Dynamics,
Axisymmetric Rotations, Gyroscopes, Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics, Aircraft
Dynamics, Aircraft Longitudinal Dynamics, Aircraft Lateral Dynamics.
Author(s): Prof. John Deyst, Prof. Jonathan P. How,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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