Earth Sciences BooksGeology Books

Marine Geology and Geophysics

Marine Geology and Geophysics

Marine Geology and Geophysics

The aim of this note is to provide a basic introduction to the geological and geophysical processes that form and shape the ocean basins and their margins. Topics covered includes: Seafloor Mapping, Understanding Conductive Cooling, Cooling of the Ocean Plates, Evidence for Plate Tectonics from Magnetics, Global Seismology, Mantle Melting and Phase Diagrams, Mid-Ocean Ridge Segmentation, Subduction Zones, Seismic Hazards in the Pacific Northwest, Passive Margins and Sediment Transport, Sequence Stratigraphy and Eustacy, Deep Sea Sedimentation and Paleoceanography.


sNA Pages
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Geology by VIU

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The Elements of Geology

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General Dictionary of Geology

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