Earth Sciences BooksGeology Books

Structural Geology by Stephen J. Martel

Structural Geology by Stephen J. Martel

Structural Geology by Stephen J. Martel

This lecture note covers the following topics: Lines and planes, Orthographic Projections, Maps, Vectors and tensors, Vector products, Stereonets, Stereonets, Rotations, Kinematics, inite Strain, Infinitesimal strain, Stress, Rheology, Holes, Dislocations, Folds, Faults, Joints and dikes.


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Structural Geology by Stephen J. Martel

Structural Geology by Stephen J. Martel

This lecture note covers the following topics: Lines and planes, Orthographic Projections, Maps, Vectors and tensors, Vector products, Stereonets, Stereonets, Rotations, Kinematics, inite Strain, Infinitesimal strain, Stress, Rheology, Holes, Dislocations, Folds, Faults, Joints and dikes.

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