Earth Sciences BooksGeology Books

Penn State's Structural Geology Class Notes

Penn State's Structural Geology Class Notes

Penn State's Structural Geology Class Notes

This note explains the follolwing topics: Parameters of Structural Geology, Mathematics of Structural Geology, Deformation Mapping, Deform. and Displacement Gradients, Examples of Geological Deformation, The Displacement Gradient, Rotational vs. Irrotational Strain, Strain Markers and Rock Strain, Properties of Tensors, Introduction to Stress , The Force-Balance Problem, The Mohr Circle and Earth Stress, Coulomb Failure Criterion, Microcracks and Shear Fracturing,Stress Concentration, Crack Propagation and Jointing, Effective Stress, Joint Patterns, Friction, Fault Rocks, Paleozoic Geology of the Cordiller, Alpine Geology.


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Penn State's Structural Geology Class Notes

Penn State's Structural Geology Class Notes

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