This note
explains the follolwing topics: Parameters of Structural Geology,
Mathematics of Structural Geology, Deformation Mapping, Deform. and
Displacement Gradients, Examples of Geological Deformation, The Displacement
Gradient, Rotational vs. Irrotational Strain, Strain Markers and Rock Strain,
Properties of Tensors, Introduction to Stress , The Force-Balance Problem, The
Mohr Circle and Earth Stress, Coulomb Failure Criterion, Microcracks and Shear
Fracturing,Stress Concentration, Crack Propagation and Jointing, Effective
Stress, Joint Patterns, Friction, Fault Rocks, Paleozoic Geology of the
Cordiller, Alpine Geology.
This note explains the following topics:
Origins - Universe, Solar System and Earth, Earth Structure and Composition,
Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, Minerals, Rocks and the Rock Cycle, Igneous
Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, The Hydrologic Cycle,Soils and Mass
Wasting/Mass Movement, Streams, Groundwater , Glaciers and Glaciation,
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Mountains and Structures, Geologic Time, Fossils, Energy
This note deals with the application
of geological and related principles to the solution of various types of crimes.
Topics covered includes: The Case of the Sandy Body, Characterizing Sand,
Characterizing Minerals, Characterizing Rocks, Using Pigments to Identify Art
Fraud, Demise of the Ice Man, Radioactive Isotopes, Stable Isotopes.