This PDF book covers the following topics related to
Digital Circuits And Logic Design : Number Systems, Logic Gates, Boolean
Algebra, Minimization of Boolean Algebra, Combinational Circuits, Implementation
of Combinational Logic Circuit, Standard Integrated Circuits (ICs), Memory,
Flip-Flops, Clocked Sequential Circuits, Registers and Counters, A/D and D/A
Author(s): Dr. Avinash Bhagat, Lovely
Professional University
note explains the following topics: number systems, Logic gates, Boolean algebra, Minimization of Boolean
algebra, Combinational circuits, Implementation of combinational logic circuit,
Standard integrated circuits, Memory, Flip flops, Clocked sequential circuits,
Registers and counters, A or D and D or A converters.
This note covers introduction, Overview
of a central processing unit, Getting started, Gates, Associative boolean
operators, Adders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Memory basics flip flops and latches
and Sequential circuits.
This PDF book covers
the following topics related to Digital Electronic Circuits : Number System,
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates, Combinational Logic Design, Logic Components,
Synchronous Sequential logic Design, Binary Counters, Logic Components,
Synchronous Sequential logic Design, Binary Counters, Shift resistors, Memory
and Programmable Logic, IC Logic Families.
This note covers the following topics: Number systemand
codes, Boolean Algebra and Logic gates, Boolean Algebra and Logic gates,
Combinational Logic, Synchronous Sequential logic, Memory and Programmable
logic, Register Transfer levels, Digital Integrated logic Circuits.