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CIFS VFS Advanced Common Internet File System for Linux

CIFS VFS Advanced Common Internet File System for Linux

CIFS VFS Advanced Common Internet File System for Linux

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This PDF covers the following topics related to Network File System (NFS) : Basic NFS concepts in NetApp, NFS version considerations, Name services, Multiprotocol NAS, Qtrees, Nondisruptive operations with NFS, Choosing volume styles: FlexGroup or FlexVol?, NFS auditing, NFS best practices, Logging, monitoring, and statistics, Advanced NFS concepts, NFS on nontraditional operating systems, Appendix A, Where to find additional information, Version history.

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Coda File System an Advanced Networked Filesystem

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Implementing CIFS The Common Internet FileSystem

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Using SFS for a Secure Network File System

Using SFS for a Secure Network File System

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Sun's VFS and NFS

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The 4.4BSD NFS Implementation

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