
File System Books

Free File System Books

This section contains free e-books and guides on File System some of the resources in this section can be viewed online and some of them can be downloaded.

Recently Added Free File System Books

Introduction to ISO 9660

This PDF Introduction to ISO 9660 covers the following topics related to Compact Disc File Systems (CDFS) : Introduction to ISO 9660, Background, Overview of ISO-9660 structure, Implementations of ISO 9660, Extensions to ISO 9660, Summary of ISO 9660.

s53 Pages

ISO 9660/ECMA 119/High Sierra Volume and File Structure of CDROM for Information Interchange

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s Pages

OpenAFS Distributed Filesystem

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s Pages

FUSE Filesystem in Userspace

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s Pages

Group Sharing and Random Access in Cryptographic Storage File Systems

This PDF covers the following topics related to Encryption Security in File System : Introduction, Design Requirements, Cepheus Design, Implementation Details, Questions for Cryptographic Storage, Conclusion.

s77 Pages

Full Disk Encryption and Beyond

This PDF covers the following topics related to Encryption Security in File System : Introduction, Secure storage - Confidentiality and Authentication, Full Disk Encryption, Key-Dependent Message Security, Incremental Authentication Schemes, Conclusion and Open Questions.

s183 Pages

Exploiting File System Awareness for Improvements to Storage Virtualization

File systems are tasked with storing, organizing, and retrieving valuable data for long periods of time. This requires them to provide excellent fault-tolerance and reliability standards throughout their extended lifetime. As a result, most file systems follow a conservative development model and evolve slowly.This PDF thesis Exploiting File System Awareness for Improvements to Storage Virtualization is a research paper on File Systems and covers the following topics : Introduction, Background and Motivation, Design, Prototype Implementation, Evaluation, Related Work, Future Work, Conclusion.

s65 Pages

Transparency Analysis Of Distributed File Systems

Distributed file systems are used to allow multiple users to access and store files on a shared file system over networks. The aim of a distributed file system is that the user should not be able to tell that the file system is distributed and not a local file system on the user’s computer. This means that the file systems should not be unreasonbly slow or be more difficult to access. This PDF Transparency Analysis Of Distributed File Systems is a research paper on File Systems and covers the following topics : Introduction, Background, Problem Definition, Methodology, Related Work, Evaluation, Future Work, References.

s83 Pages

SSDFS Towards LFS Flash Friendly File System without GC operations

This PDF covers the following topics related to Flash embedded File Systems : Abstract, Introduction, Related Works, SSDFS Architecture, Discussion, Conclusion, References.

s52 Pages

Compact Flash Association (CFA)

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s Pages

The Second Extended File System

The Extended File System was created by Remy Card, Theodore T’so, and Stephen Tweedie. It removed Minix’s limitations on max fs size and max file name size, but still had problems. This PDF covers the following topics related to The Second Extended File System : Background, Ext2fs features, Physical Layout of an ext2 partition, The ext2 physical superblock, The ext2 group descriptor, The ext2 physical inode, Data Blocks Addressing, Bitmaps, How files use disc blocks, Making and mounting an ext2 partition.

s48 Pages

Where we are with the Ext3 filesystem

This PDF covers the following topics related to the Ext3 filesystem : Abstract, Introduction, Features found in Linux 2.6, Extents, delayed allocation and extent allocation, Improving ext3 without changing disk format, Performance comparison, Conclusion.

s30 Pages


This PDF covers the following topics related to Network File System (NFS) : Basic NFS concepts in NetApp, NFS version considerations, Name services, Multiprotocol NAS, Qtrees, Nondisruptive operations with NFS, Choosing volume styles: FlexGroup or FlexVol?, NFS auditing, NFS best practices, Logging, monitoring, and statistics, Advanced NFS concepts, NFS on nontraditional operating systems, Appendix A, Where to find additional information, Version history.

s172 Pages

CIFS VFS Advanced Common Internet File System for Linux

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s Pages

Review NTFS Basics

The Windows NT file system (NTFS) provides a combination of performance, reliability, and compatibility not found in the FAT file system. It is designed to quickly perform standard file operations such as read, write, and search - and even advanced operations such as file-system recovery - on very large hard disks. This PDF covers the following topics related to The Windows NT file system : NTFS Partition Boot Sector, NTFS Master File Table (MFT), NTFS File Types, NTFS File Attributes, NTFS System Files, NTFS Multiple Data Streams, NTFS Compressed Files, NTFS & EFS Encrypted Files, NTFS Sparse Files, NTFS Data Integrity and Recoverability.

s14 Pages

A Forensic Comparison of NTFS and FAT32 File Systems

The file system on any storage device is essential to the overall organization, storage mechanisms, and data control of the device. Knowing how these file systems work and the layout of key structures, storage mechanisms, associated metadata, and file system characteristics is essential to being able to forensically investigate a computer or other device. The New Technology File System (NTFS) and File Allocation Table (FAT32) are two key file systems that will be compared and contrasted, since both are still actively used and encountered often. Both systems offer forensic evidence that is significant and mandatory in an investigation. This PDF covers the following topics related to Windows NFTS and FAT32 File System : Abstract, Introduction, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Future Research, Figures.

s29 Pages