Mathematics Books History Of Mathematics Books

A History of Mathematics by Florian Cajori

A History of Mathematics by Florian Cajori

A History of Mathematics by Florian Cajori

Cajori's A History of Mathematics (1894) was the first popular presentation of the history of mathematics in the United States.This book covers the period from antiquity to the close of World War I, with major emphasis on advanced mathematics and, in particular, the advanced mathematics of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


s556 Pages
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A Short Account of the History of Mathematics

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A   History of Mathematics by Florian Cajori

A History of Mathematics by Florian Cajori

Cajori's A History of Mathematics (1894) was the first popular presentation of the history of mathematics in the United States.This book covers the period from antiquity to the close of World War I, with major emphasis on advanced mathematics and, in particular, the advanced mathematics of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

s556 Pages