Algebraic Geometry I Lecture Notes Roman Bezrukavnikov
Algebraic Geometry I Lecture Notes Roman Bezrukavnikov
Algebraic Geometry I Lecture Notes Roman Bezrukavnikov
contents of this book include: Course Introduction, Zariski topology, Affine
Varieties, Projective Varieties, Noether Normalization, Grassmannians, Finite
and Affine Morphisms, More on Finite Morphisms and Irreducible Varieties,
Function Field, Dominant Maps, Product of Varieties, Separateness, Sheaf
Functors and Quasi-coherent Sheaves, Quasi-coherent and Coherent Sheaves,
Invertible Sheaves, (Quasi)coherent sheaves on Projective Spaces, Divisors and
the Picard Group, Bezout’s Theorem, Abel-Jacobi Map, Elliptic Curves,
KSmoothness, Canonical Bundles, the Adjunction Formulaahler Differentials,
Cotangent Bundles of Grassmannians, Bertini’s Theorem, Coherent Sheves on
Curves, Derived Functors, Existence of Sheaf Cohomology, Birkhoff-Grothendieck,
Riemann-Roch, Serre Duality, Proof of Serre Duality.
This note
covers introduction, Affine and projective space, Algebraic sets, Examples of
algebraic sets, The ideal of an algebraic set and the Hilbert Nullstellensatz,
The projective closure of an affine algebraic set, Irreducible components,
Dimension, Regular and rational functions, Regular and rational maps, Products
of quasi projective varieties, The dimension of an intersection, Complete
varieties and the tangent space.
This note
covers Playing with plane curves, Plane conics, Cubics and the group law, The
category of affine varieties, Affine varieties and the Nullstellensatz,
Functions on varieties, Projective and biration algeometry, Tangent space and
non singularity and dimension.
contents of this book include: Course Introduction, Zariski topology, Affine
Varieties, Projective Varieties, Noether Normalization, Grassmannians, Finite
and Affine Morphisms, More on Finite Morphisms and Irreducible Varieties,
Function Field, Dominant Maps, Product of Varieties, Separateness, Sheaf
Functors and Quasi-coherent Sheaves, Quasi-coherent and Coherent Sheaves,
Invertible Sheaves, (Quasi)coherent sheaves on Projective Spaces, Divisors and
the Picard Group, Bezout’s Theorem, Abel-Jacobi Map, Elliptic Curves,
KSmoothness, Canonical Bundles, the Adjunction Formulaahler Differentials,
Cotangent Bundles of Grassmannians, Bertini’s Theorem, Coherent Sheves on
Curves, Derived Functors, Existence of Sheaf Cohomology, Birkhoff-Grothendieck,
Riemann-Roch, Serre Duality, Proof of Serre Duality.
The contents of this book include: Introduction, Algebraic
structures, Subalgebras, direct products, homomorphisms, Equations and
solutions, Algebraic sets and radicals, Equationally Noetherian algebras,
Coordinate algebras, Main problems of universal algebraic geometry, Properties
of coordinate algebras, Coordinate algebras of irreducible algebraic sets, When
all algebraic sets are irreducible, The intervention of model theory,
Geometrical equivalence, Unifying theorems, Appearances of constants, Coordinate
algebras with constants, Equational domains, Types of equational compactness,
Advances of algebraic geometry and further reading.
This note covers the following
topics: Functors, Isomorphic and equivalent categories, Representable functors,
Some constructions in the light of representable functors, Schemes: Definition
and basic properties, Properties of morphisms of schemes, general techniques and
This book
explains the following topics: Systems of algebraic equations, Affine algebraic
sets, Morphisms of affine algebraic varieties, Irreducible algebraic sets and
rational functions, Projective algebraic varieties, Morphisms of projective
algebraic varieties, Quasi-projective algebraic sets, The image of a projective
algebraic set, Finite regular maps, Dimension, Lines on hypersurfaces, Tangent
space, Local parameters, Projective embeddings and Riemann-Roch Theorem.