This note covers the
following topics: Discrete probability, Forward and Backward Equations for
Markov chains, Martingales and stopping times, Continuous probability, Integrals
involving Brownian motion, The Ito integral with respect to Brownian motion,
Path space measures and change of measure.
PDF covers the following topics related to Stochastic Calculus : A possible
motivation: diffusions, Brownian motion, Stochastic integration, Applications to
Brownian motion, Stochastic differential equations.
Author(s): Michael R. Tehranchi, University of Cambridge
This note covers the
following topics: Discrete probability, Forward and Backward Equations for
Markov chains, Martingales and stopping times, Continuous probability, Integrals
involving Brownian motion, The Ito integral with respect to Brownian motion,
Path space measures and change of measure.