Mathematics Books Probability Theory Books

The Four Color Theorem

The Four Color Theorem

The Four Color Theorem

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sNA Pages
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Basic   probability theory

Basic probability theory

This note explains the following topics: events and probabilities, Combining events, Conditional probabilities, independence and bayes rule, Random variables and discrete distributions, Expectation and variance, Continuous random variables.

s34 Pages
Probability Theory Lecture Notes by Phanuel Mariano

Probability Theory Lecture Notes by Phanuel Mariano

The contents include: Combinatorics, Axioms of Probability, Independence, Conditional Probability and Independence, Random Variables, Some Discrete Distributions, Continuous Random Variable, Normal Distributions, Normal approximations to the binomial, Some continuous distributions, Multivariate distributions, Expectations, Moment generating functions, Limit Laws.

s98 Pages
Lecture Notes for Introductory Probability

Lecture Notes for Introductory Probability

The contents include: Combinatorics, Axioms of Probability, Conditional Probability and Independence, Discrete Random Variables, Continuous Random Variables, Joint Distributions and Independence, More on Expectation and Limit Theorems, Convergence in probability, Moment generating functions, Computing probabilities and expectations by conditioning, Markov Chains: Introduction, Markov Chains: Classification of States, Branching processes, Markov Chains: Limiting Probabilities, Markov Chains: Reversibility, Three Application, Poisson Process.

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Lecture Notes   Probability Theory

Lecture Notes Probability Theory

This book explains the following topics: Probability spaces, Random variables, Independence, Expectation, Convergence of sequences of random variables.

s275 Pages
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Markov Random Fields and Their Applications

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Probability papers

Probability papers

This note covers the following topics related to Probability: Kolmogorov’s axiomatization, Frequentism, Classical interpretation, Logical probability and Subjectivism.

s30 Pages
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Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications

This text assumes no prerequisites in probability, a basic exposure to calculus and linear algebra is necessary. Some real analysis as well as some background in topology and functional analysis can be helpful. This note covers the following topics: Limit theorems, Probability spaces, random variables, independence, Markov operators, Discrete Stochastic Processes, Continuous Stochastic Processes, Random Jacobi matrices, Symmetric Diophantine Equations and Vlasov dynamics.

s382 Pages
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Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties

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sNA Pages
Grinstead and Snells Introduction to Probability

Grinstead and Snells Introduction to Probability

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sNA Pages
Notes on Probability

Notes on Probability

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sNA Pages
A quick refresher for Counting techniques and Probability

A quick refresher for Counting techniques and Probability

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sNA Pages


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Stochastic Calculus

Stochastic Calculus

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sNA Pages
Lectures on Stochastic Analysis

Lectures on Stochastic Analysis

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sNA Pages
Lecture Notes on Probability Theory and Random Processes (Walrand J pdf)

Lecture Notes on Probability Theory and Random Processes (Walrand J pdf)

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sNA Pages