Mathematics Books Algebra BooksLinear Algebra Books

Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices

Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices

Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices

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sNA Pages
Similar Books
Linear Algebra Jim Hefferon

Linear Algebra Jim Hefferon

This books covers the following topics: Linear Systems, Vector Spaces, Maps Between Spaces, Determinants, Similarity.

s525 Pages
Introductory Notes in Linear Algebra for the Engineers

Introductory Notes in Linear Algebra for the Engineers

This book is addressed primarely to second and third year college engineering students who have already had a course in calculus and analytic geometry. It is the result of lecture notes given by the author at Arkansas Tech University. Topics covered includes: Linear Systems of Equations, Matrices, Determinants, The Theory of Vector Spaces, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Linear Transformation.

s221 Pages
Linear Algebra I by Ronald van Luijk

Linear Algebra I by Ronald van Luijk

This note explains the following topics: Vector spaces, The field of complex numbers, Linear maps, Subspaces, Matrices, Linear independence and dimension, Ranks, Linear maps and matrices, Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.

s156 Pages
Fundamentals of Linear Algebra

Fundamentals of Linear Algebra

This textbook is meant to be a mathematically complete and rigorous introduction to abstract linear algebra for undergraduates, possibly even first year students, specializing in mathematics. Author tried very hard to emphasize the fascinating and important interplay between algebra and geometry.

s412 Pages
Linear Algebra II Lecture Notes (PDF 61P)

Linear Algebra II Lecture Notes (PDF 61P)

This book explains the following topics related to Linear Algebra: Vectors, Linear Equations, Matrix Algebra, Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Linear Transformations, Dimension, Similarity and Diagonalizability, Complex Numbers, Projection Theorem, Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization, QR Factorization, Least Squares Approximation, Orthogonal (Unitary) Diagonalizability, Systems of Differential Equations, Quadratic Forms, Vector Spaces and the Pseudoinverse.

s61 Pages
Lecture Notes for Linear Algebra (PDF 268P)

Lecture Notes for Linear Algebra (PDF 268P)

These notes are intended for someone who has already grappled with the problem of constructing proofs.This book covers the following topics:  Gauss-Jordan elimination, matrix arithmetic, determinants , linear algebra, linear transformations, linear geometry, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

s268 Pages
The Structure of Finite Algebras (D. Hobby and R. McKenzie)

The Structure of Finite Algebras (D. Hobby and R. McKenzie)

This book covers the following topics: Basic concepts and notation, Tight lattices, Tame quotients, Abelian and solvable algebras, The structure of minimal algebras, The types of tame quotients, Labeled congruence lattices, Solvability and semi-distributivity, Congruence modular varieties, Malcev classification and omitting types, Residually small varieties, Decidable varieties, Free spectra, Tame algebras and E-minimal algebras, Simple algebras in varieties.

s212 Pages
A Course in Universal Algebra

A Course in Universal Algebra

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sNA Pages
Algebra Cheat Sheet

Algebra Cheat Sheet

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sNA Pages


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sNA Pages
Linear Algebra Lecture notes

Linear Algebra Lecture notes

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sNA Pages
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra (Version 1)

A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra (Version 1)

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sNA Pages


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sNA Pages
Group Characters, Symmetric Functions, and the Hecke Algebra

Group Characters, Symmetric Functions, and the Hecke Algebra

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sNA Pages
Elementary algebra book

Elementary algebra book

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sNA Pages
Algebraic Curves

Algebraic Curves

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sNA Pages