Mathematics Books Topology Books

Topology I and II by Chris Wendl

Topology I and II by Chris Wendl

Topology I and II by Chris Wendl

This note describes the following topics: Metric spaces, Topological spaces, Products, sequential continuity and nets, Compactness, Tychonoff’s theorem and the separation axioms, Connectedness and local compactness, Paths, homotopy and the fundamental group, Retractions and homotopy equivalence, Van Kampen’s theorem, Normal subgroups, generators and relations, The Seifert-van Kampen theorem and of surfaces, Torus knots, The lifting theorem, The universal cover and group actions, Manifolds, Surfaces and triangulations, Orientations and higher homotopy groups, Bordism groups and simplicial homology, Singular homology, Relative homology and long exact sequences, Homotopy invariance and excision, The homology of the spheres, Excision, The Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms, The Mayer-Vietoris sequence, Mapping tori and the degree of maps, ocal mapping degree on manifolds Degrees, triangulations and coefficients, CW-complexes, Invariance of cellular homology.


s382 Pages
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