This note
covers the following topics: Hydropower Plants: Terminology, Steady State,
Intakes, Fish Ladders and Head Losses, Head Loss in Valves, Trash Rack, Low Head
Run of River Plant, Regulation of Discharge, Unsteady Flow, Unsteady Flow, Large
Hydropower Plants, Small Hydropower Plants, Pelton Turbines and Francis
This PDF covers the following topics related to Power Plant
Engineering : Hydrology, Turbines, Hydroplant, Thermal Power, Nuclear Power,
Electrical System, AVR.
Author(s): Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology
Burla, Odisha, India
This note
covers the following topics: Hydropower Plants: Terminology, Steady State,
Intakes, Fish Ladders and Head Losses, Head Loss in Valves, Trash Rack, Low Head
Run of River Plant, Regulation of Discharge, Unsteady Flow, Unsteady Flow, Large
Hydropower Plants, Small Hydropower Plants, Pelton Turbines and Francis