Mechanical Engineering Books Refrigeration and Airconditioning Books

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by SIST

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by SIST

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by SIST

This PDF covers the following topics related to Refrigeration and AC : Basics of Refrigeration, Vapour Compression Refrigeration, Vapour Absorption Refrigeration, Psychrometry and Air Conditioning, Accessories of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems.


s71 Pages
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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician

This note covers HVAC, Package AC, Central Air Conditioning System, Central AC Indirect or chilled, Mobile AC, Commercial Plant Maintenance.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by IARE

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by IARE

This PDF covers the following topics related to Refrigeration and AC : Introduction to Refrigeration, Components of V. C. R. S., Vapour Absorption Refrigeration and Air Refregiration, Introduction to Air Conditioning, Air Conditioning Systems.

s109 Pages