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Android Books

Android Books

There are many downloadable free Android books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Android Development Lecture Notes Joel Ross

This page covers the following topics related to Android Programming :  Introduction, Resources and Layouts, Activities, Data-Driven Views, Material Design, Fragments, Intents, Notifications & Settings, Providers and Loaders, Files and Permissions, Providers and Databases, Location, Threads and Services, Sensors, Graphics and Touch, Styles & Themes, Fragments: ViewPager, Bluetooth, Maps, Memory Management, Multi-Touch.


s NAPages

GUI Design for Android Apps

This page covers the following topics related to Android Programming : General Overview, The Android-Specific GUI, Designing Complex Applications, Graphic Interface and Touchscreen Input.


s NAPages

Android Programming by Nicolas Gramlich

This document was written for developers who have worked with Java before and want to start developing for the Android Platform. Author tried to make this as much hands on as possible, placing example codes every where it fit.


s NAPages

Programming Android

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


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How to Program Google Android

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


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Application development for Android

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


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Android Development Tutorial Gingerbread

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


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What is Android

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


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