This note covers the
following topics: Basic Network Concepts, Basic web Concepts, Streams, Sockets,
Servlets and JSP, Handling the Client Request,Handling Cookies, Session
Tracking, JSP Introduction and Overview, Invoking Java Code with JSP Scripting
Elements, Using JavaBeans Components in JSP Documents, Tomcat and MySQL
This note explains
the following topics: Elementary Tcp Sockets, Layers, Datagram Sockets, Byte
ordering functions, Functions, Concurrent Server, Application Development, POSIX
signal handling.
This note covers the following topics: Protocol Families: TCP/IP, Local
Area Network Addresses - IPv4, Berkley Sockets, Socket Programming, Exchanging
data with stream socket, constructing Messages, Socket Options, Dealing with
blocking calls, Non-blocking Sockets, Signals.