Networking Books WiMAX Books

WiMAX A Study of Mobility and a MAC layer Implementation in GloMoSim (PDF 99P)

WiMAX A Study of Mobility and a MAC layer Implementation in GloMoSim (PDF 99P)

WiMAX A Study of Mobility and a MAC layer Implementation in GloMoSim (PDF 99P)

This note covers the following topics: WiMAX, Homogeneous Mobility, Heterogeneous Mobility, Simulation Study.


s99 Pages
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WiMAX   A Study of Mobility and a MAC layer Implementation in GloMoSim (PDF   99P)

WiMAX A Study of Mobility and a MAC layer Implementation in GloMoSim (PDF 99P)

This note covers the following topics: WiMAX, Homogeneous Mobility, Heterogeneous Mobility, Simulation Study.

s99 Pages