This note covers the following
topics: Overview of wireless networks, Singlehop wireless, multiple wireless
hops, Challenges of wireless communications, IEEE 802.11, spread spectrum and
physical layer specification, MAC functional specification, Mobile IPv4, Mobile
This note covers
both the theory and practice of wireless networking. We will then study
widely-used wireless local area network standards and TCP/IP extensions for
mobile and wireless networking. Topics covered will include: Fundamentals of
wireless communications, Wireless network standards, TCP/IP for mobile and
wireless communications, Mobile application platforms, Multihop ad hoc networks,
Sensor networks.
A wireless ad-hoc network
is a wireless network deployed without any infrastructure. This
includes wireless mesh networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, and vehicular
ad-hoc networks. This book focuses on the most fundamental aspects of
wireless ad-hoc networks. Topics include the design of the link layer
for better performance, the study on routing protocols for higher
efficiency, and practical issues in its application.