Physics BooksTheoretical Physics Books

Advanced Concepts of Theoretical Physics

Advanced Concepts of Theoretical Physics

Advanced Concepts of Theoretical Physics

This note describes mathematical concepts that are at the basis of the modern theories of particle and condensed matter physics, as well as of some advanced topics in quantum mechanics. Topics covered includes: From Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory, Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Galilei, Lorentz, and PoincarŽe Algebras, Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields, Topology of Gauge Fields, Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics.


s142 Pages
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Introduction to Theoretical Polymer Physics

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Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics

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Lectures on String Theory

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String Theory (Siopsis G.)

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What is String Theory [PDF 153p]

What is String Theory [PDF 153p]

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sNA Pages
Fields [PDF 885p]

Fields [PDF 885p]

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sNA Pages
Introduction to Superstring Theory [PDF 244p]

Introduction to Superstring Theory [PDF 244p]

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Theory of Solids I

Theory of Solids I

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sNA Pages