
Free Physics eBooks

Free Physics Books

This section contains free e-books and guides on Physics, some of the resources in this section can be viewed online and some of them can be downloadable.

Recently Added Free Physics Books

Lecture Notes on Mathematical Astronomy

This note covers the following topics: classical mechanics and accretion theory, Vector fields and finite differencing, Fitting data, Light propagation, Scaling laws and dimensions, Euler Lagrange equations, Globular clusters, Angular momentum vector, Theory of thin accretion disks, Binary evolution and bondi Hoyle Lyttleton accretion.

s138 Pages

Phyical Astronomy Crossfield

This PDF covers the following topics related to Astronomy : Introduction to Astrophysics, Size and Distance Scales, Stars: A Basic Overview, Temperature, Luminosity, and Energy, Energy Sources, The Two-Body Problem and Kepler’s Laws, Binary Systems, Exoplanets, Planets, and the Solar System, Gravitational Waves, Radiation, Radiative Transfer, Stellar Classification, Spectra, and Some Thermodynamics, Stellar Atmospheres, Timescales in Stellar Interiors, Stellar Structure, Stability, Instability, and Convection, Polytropes, An Introduction to Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Reaction Pathways, End Stages of Nuclear Burning, Stellar Evolution: The Core, Stellar Evolution: The Rest of the Picture, On the Deaths of Massive Stars, Compact Objects, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Accretion, Fluid Mechanics, The Interstellar Medium, Exoplanet Atmospheres, The Big Bang, Our Starting Point, Thermal and Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Energy Transport.

sNA Pages

Atomic and Nuclear Physics

This note explains atomic nature of matter, Chart of the nuclides, Mass defect and binding energy, Modes of radioactive decay, Radioactivity, Neutron interactions, Nuclear fission, Energy release from fission and interaction of radiation with matter.

s78 Pages

Modern Atomic and Optical Physics II

This PDF covers the following topics related to Modern Atomic and Optical Physics : Quantum mechanics and atomic physics review, Basic processes in AMO physics and quantum optics, Mathematical methods for open systems, Propagation of light in a resonant medium, Coherent interactions in multi-level systems, Stochastic Wavefunctions, Adiabatic Processes, Atomic motion in laser light, Quantum properties of light interacting with matter, Trapped ions: quantum state engineering, Quantum dynamics of atomic matter waves.

s293 Pages

Lecture Note on Biophysics

This note describes the following topics: modern biology, Separation techniques and physico chemical techniques, Experimental techniques, Structures of biological molecules, Biomechanics and neuro biophysics.

s94 Pages

Applied Biophysics

This PDF covers the following topics related to Applied Biophysics : The Scope and Topics of Biophysics, The Main Targets of Biophysics, Thermodynamics and Biosystems, Statistical Physics of Biosystems, Mechanical and Chemical Equilibrium in Biosystems, Biological Processes and Entropy, Molecular Structures: The Shape of Molecules, Structure of Biosystems, The Building Blocks and Architecture of Cells, etc.

s281 Pages

Introduction to Classical Mechanics by Salah Nasri

This note exlains the following topics: newtonian mechanics of point like objects, Gravitating bodies, D Alembert principle and euler lagrange equations, Hamiltons principle, Rotating frames, Rotating frames and rigid body, Small oscillations, The hamiltonian formalism, Nonlinear dynamics and chaos.

s185 Pages

Classical Mechanics by Joachim Brod

This note exlains Newtonian remarks, Oscillations, Gravitation, Variational calculus, Lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics, Central force motion, Systems of particles, Motion in a noninertial reference frame, Dynamics of rigid bodies and small oscillations.

s130 Pages

Lecture Notes in Computational Physics by Leif Lonnblad

This note explains the following topics: Errors, Interpolation and Extrapolation, Random Numbers and Monte Carlo, Optimization, Local Optimization with Derivatives, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Waves.

s85 Pages

Computational Physics using MATLAB

This PDF covers the following topics related to Computational Physics using MATLAB : Uranium Decay, The Pendulum, The Solar System, Potentials and Fields, Waves, Random Systems, Quantum Mechanics.

s103 Pages

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics by Shih Liu

This note explains the following topics: Notations and tensor algebra, Kinematics of finite deformation, Balance laws, Euclidean objectivity, Principle of material frame indifference, Material symmetry, Elastic solids, Viscoelastic materials, Second law of thermodynamics, Some problems in finite elasticity, Wave propagation in elastic bodies and mixture theory of porous media.

s128 Pages

Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics

This note covers the following topics: Mathematical preliminaries, Stress, Motion and deformation, Balance of mass, Momentum and energy and ideal constitutive relations.

s181 Pages

Introductory Lectures on Fluid Dynamics

This note describes the following topics: Equation of motion, Equations of motion for an inviscid fluid, Bernoulli equation, The vorticity field, Two dimensional flow of a homogeneous, incompressible, inviscid fluid and boundary layers in nonrotating fluids.

s60 Pages

Classical Dynamics by Paul P. Cook and Neil Lambert

This note covers the following topics: Matrices, Coordinate systems, Newton and His Three Laws, Lagrangian Mechanics, Hamiltonian Mechanics.

s113 Pages

Electricity, Magnetism and Optics

This note covers the following topics: relativity, Electricity and magnetism and optics.

s282 Pages

Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory

This PDF covers the following topics related to Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory And the Physics of Conducting Solids : Atoms, Molecules, and Crystals, Electrical Conductivity of Solids, Distribution of Energy, Elements of Field Theory, Static Electric Fields, Electric Current, Static Magnetic Fields, Static Electric and Magnetic Fields in Matter, Time-dependent Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Waves.

s231 Pages

Introduction To Extended Electrodynamics

This PDF covers the following topics related to Introduction To Extended Electrodynamics : Basic Notions and Equations of Classical Electrodynamics, Solutions to Maxwell’s Equations, Amplitude and Phase, Why and What to Change in Classical Electrodynamics, Extended Electrodynamics, Vacuum Equations in EED, General Properties of the Equations and Their Solutions, Nonlinear Solutions. Description of photon-like objects, Interference, Nonlinearity and Superposition, Basic equations, The Frobenius Integrability and Dissipation, Explicit Solutions with Nonzero Currents.

s134 Pages

Observers and Splitting Structures in Relativistic Electrodynamics

This PDF covers the following topics related to Observers and Splitting Structures in Relativistic Electrodynamics : Introduction, Pre-Metric Setting, Fiber bundles: world-lines in space-time,, Principal bundles: introducing time-translation, The fundamental field map: populating the principal bundle, Ehresmann connection: families of space platforms, Parametric fields: mapping fields to the observer’s space, Derivatives in the base manifold: Christoffel form, curvature, and variance, The relativistic splitting structure, Equivalent splitting structures: transitions between fiber charts, Electromagnetism in the pre-metric setting, Main concepts in their component representation, Metric Setting, Regular relativistic splittings, Vacuum constitutive relations and energy-momentum balance, Metric in nonregular splittings, Kinematic parameters of observers, Classification of observers and of splitting structures, Proxies for Lie-(co)algebra valued fields, Applications, Ehrenfest paradox, Schiff’s “Question in General Relativity”.

s93 Pages

Fluid Mechanics and Pumps

This note describes the following topics: introduction to fluid mechanics, Static pressure of liquids, Pressure measuring devices, Floating bodies, Fluid flow, Flow through pipes, Flow through orifices, mouthpieces, notches and weir, Measuring instruments, Dimensional analysis and pumps.

s177 Pages

Lecture Notes On Fluid Mechanics by Ms. Promila

This note explains the following topics: introduction, Flow through circular conduits, Dimensional analysis, Pumps and turbines.

s183 Pages

Principles of Geophysics by Abdullah M. Al Amri

This note describes the following topics: Fundamental considerations, Seismic refraction method, Seismic reflection method, Earthquake seismology, Electrical method, Gravity method and magnetic method.

s152 Pages

Principles of Geophysics by King Saud University

This note covers Basics of seismic methods, Seismic refraction, Seismic reflection, Electrical method, Gravity method and magnetic method.

s194 Pages

Introduction to Physics For Mathematicians

This PDF covers the following topics related to Introductory Physics : Classical mechanics, Conservation laws, Poisson structures, Observables and states, Operators in Hilbert space, Canonical quantization, Harmonic oscillator, Central potential,The Schr¨odinger representation, Abelian varieties and theta functions, Fibre G-bundles, Gauge fields, Klein-Gordon equation, Yang-Mills equations, Spinors, The Dirac equation, Quantization of free fields, Path integrals, Feynman diagrams, Quantization of Yang-Mills fields.

s291 Pages

Accelerator Physics

This book provides a glance view on phase space dynamics of electron beam, motion of relativistic electrons in three-dimensional ideal undulator magnetic field, numerical simulation of electron multi-beam linear accelerator EVT, nuclear safety design of high energy accelerator facilities, and radiation safety aspects of operation of electron linear accelerators.

sNA Pages

Elementary kinetic theory of gases

This note covers Molecular description of gases, Molecular quantities and macroscopic gas parameters, Gas laws, Collision frequency, Free molecular, transitional, and continuum flow regimes, Transfer of molecular quantities, Transfer equation, Diffusion, viscous drag, and heat conduction.

s88 Pages

Kinetic Theory and Swarming Tools to Modeling Complex Systems

The PDF book has a number of articles related to the following topics related to Kinetic Theory and Swarming Tools to Modeling Complex Systems : Kinetic Theory and Swarming Tools to Modeling Complex Systems - Symmetry problems in the Science of Living Systems, On the Complex Interaction between Collective Learning and Social Dynamics, Diffusive and Anti-Diffusive Behavior for Kinetic Models of Opinion Dynamics, Forecasting Efficient Risk/Return Frontier for Equity Risk with a KTAP Approach - A Case Study in Milan Stock Exchange, Numerical Simulation of a Multiscale Cell Motility Model Based on the Kinetic Theory of Active Particles, Kinetic Model for Vehicular Traffic with Continuum Velocity and Mean Field Interactions, A Critical Analysis of Behavioural Crowd Dynamics—From a Modelling Strategy to Kinetic Theory Methods, Particle Methods Simulations by Kinetic Theory Models of Human Crowds Accounting for Stress Conditions.

s120 Pages

Lecture Notes on Mathematical Statistical Physics

This note explains the following topics: classical statistical mechanics, Review of classical mechanics, Review of probability and measure, The Maxwellian distribution Probability spaces in classical mechanics, Review of thermodynamics Macro states, Macro variables, Thermal equilibrium and entropy, The Boltzmann equation, The thermodynamic arrow of time, Quantum statistical mechanics and thermodynamic ensembles.

s173 Pages

Mathematical Physics by Indu Satija

This note covers Laws of nature and mathematical beauty, Gaussian Integrals and related functions, Basic gaussian integrals, Stirling formula error functions, Real numbers, Complex numbers, Scalars, Vectors, Tensors and spinor, Fourier transformation, Curvilinear coordinates, Partial differential equations, Solving partial differential equation by separation of variables, Solving laplace equation in spherical polar coordinates, Spherical harmonics and legendre functions, Bessel function, Spherical bessel function and matrices.

s120 Pages

E Learning Material on Engineering Mechanics

This note describes the following topics: fundamentals of engineering mechanics, Equilibrium, Friction, Centroid and moment of inertia, Simple machines and dynamics.

s151 Pages

Orbital Mechanics by Anil V. Rao

The PDF explains the following topics related to Orbital Mechanics : Two-Body Problem, The Orbit in Space, The Orbit as a Function of Time, Rocket Dynamics, Impulsive Orbit Transfer, Interplanetary Orbital Transfer.

s129 Pages

Introduction To Medical Physics

This book describes the following topics: Motion on a straight line, Motion in two dimensions, Newton’s law of motion, Statics, Work and energy, Mechanics of nonviscous fluids, Viscous fluids, Mirrors, lenses and optical systems, Nuclear Physics and Ionizing Radiation.

s165 Pages

Medical Physics by Dr. Y. Ajiboye

The PDF covers the following topics related to Medical Physics : The Mechanics of the Body, Physics of Skeleton, Physics of Muscle, Applications, The Energy Household of the Body, Concept of Heat and Temperature, Thermodynamic Processes, Applications, The Pressure System of the Body, Physics of Breathing, Physics of Cardiovascular System, Applications, The Electrical System of the Body, Radiation and Radiation Protection, Radiation-Concept & Explanation, Radiation Measurement-Dosimetry, Biological Effects of Radiation, Radiation Protection.

s29 Pages

Lecture Notes on Modern Physics by Stephen Sekula

This note covers foundations of modern physics, Introduction to the course, The special theory of relativity, Basic ideas, The Lorentz transformation, Length contraction, The relativity of time, Light and the doppler effect, The addition of velocities, Energy and momentum, Toward the general theory of relativity, Radiation and matter, The schrodinger wave equation, The bohr model of the atom, Solving them schrodinger wave equation and special topics in nuclear medicine.

s354 Pages

Introduction to Modern Physics by T. Stantcheva

This PDF covers the following topics related to Modern Physics : Photons, Electron Waves, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Structure, Molecules and Solids, Nuclear Physics, Special Theory of Relativity.

s82 Pages

Nuclear Reactor Safety Lecture Notes

This note will focus on understanding the complete nuclear reactor system including the balance of plant, support systems and resulting interdependencies affecting the overall safety of the plant and regulatory oversight. Topics covered includes: Reactor kinetics and control, Fuel depletion and related effects, Reactor energy removal, Design issues, Power cycles for nuclear plants, Boiling water reactors, Safety culture, Current regulatory safety issues.

sNA Pages

Introductory Nuclear Engineering

This note will cover a range of topics pertinent to nuclear engineering, including particle physics, neutron theory, nuclear reactor design, medical applications, societal impacts of nuclear power. Major topics covered includes:  Special Relativity, Schroedinger's Wave Equation, Nuclear Models, Nuclear Decay Kinetics, Binary Nuclear Reactions, Fission and Fusion, Radiation, Nuclear Reactor Theory: Six Factor Formula, Reactor Design, Reactor Kinetics, Neutron Transport, Light Water Reactors, The Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Radiation Detection and Measurement, Nuclear Materials, Radiation Doses, Nuclear Reactor Safety and Nuclear Accidents.

sNA Pages

Classical and Modern Optics

This lecture note covers following topics: Linear Algebra, Ray Optics, Fourier Analysis, Electromagnetic Theory, Interference, Gaussian Beams, Fabry–Perot Cavities, Polarization, Fresnel Relations, Thin Films, Fourier Optics, Acousto-Optic Diffraction, Laser Physics, Dispersion and Wave Propagation.

s359 Pages

Small Angle Scattering and Diffraction

This book shows how the existing technology of material characterization can contribute to science and applied technology. The authors who contributed with this book sought to show the importance of applying the existing techniques in the development of their works.

sNA Pages

Particle Physics by Uttarakhand Open University

This note covers the following topics: Elementary Particles, Quark models, Unitary Symmetries and Application in the Physics of Elementary Particles,Method of Young Tableaux and its Applications, Nuclear and Particle Detectors.

s141 Pages

Lecture on Particle Physics uou

The contents of the lecture notes are: Basics of elementary particle physics, Fundamental interactions/forces, Conservation laws , Symmetries, Building blocks of matter, Conclusion with the Fundamental Model of particles.

s50 Pages

General Plasma Physics by Nick McGreivy

The PDF covers the following topics related to Plasma Physics : Introduction, Basics, Single Particle Motion , Kinetic Theory, Fluid Equations and MHD, Waves in Plasmas, Landau Damping.

s78 Pages

Draft Material for Fundamentals of Plasma Physics book

The primary objective of this book is to present and develop the fundamentals and principal applications of plasma physics, with an emphasis on what is usually called high-temperature plasma physics where the plasma is nearly fully ionized with nearly negligible effects of neutral particles on the plasma behavior. Topics covered includes: Fundamental Processes in Plasmas, various types of waves that occur in stable plasmas, Plasma kinetic theory and its applications, The equilibrium and stability properties of a plasma, nonlinear plasma theory, and to plasma turbulence and the anomalous transport.

sNA Pages

Introduction to Sensation and Perception by UMN

This online book discusses the following topics : Basics: neuroscience and psychophysics, Somatosensation, Proprioception: Balance and Phantom Limbs, Taste and Smell, The Mechanics of Hearing, Hearing Loss and Central Auditory Processing, Hearing in Complex Environments, Light and EyeballsVision Loss and V1, Color, Depth, and Size, Visual Development and Object Recognition, Perception and Action.

sNA Pages

Color Appearance Models (PDF 68P)

This note contains the following subtopics such as Color AppearancePhenomena, Chromatic Adaptation, Structure of Color Appearance Models, CIECAM02 and Image Appearance: iCAM

s68 Pages

An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by University of Manchester

This note explains Classical field theory, Quantum field theory, Interacting scalar fields and perturbation theory.

s48 Pages

A Hands On Guide to Quantum Field Theory

This note covers preliminaries, Creation and annihilation operators, Perturbation theory and scattering, Simple interactions, Emergence of classical fields, Locality, Semiclassical methods, Symmetries, Electromagnetic fields, Collective effects, Special relativity in quantum mechanics, Relativistic spinless particle, Canonical methods, Scalar electrodynamics, Relativistic spin half particles, Quantum electrodynamics, Radiative corrections and renormalization, Beyond low order perturbation theory, Bound states, Path integrals and Path integrals for fields.

s469 Pages

Lectures on an Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

This note exlains the following topics: electromagnetic waves, Introduction to quantum mechanics, Dynamical variables and observables in quantum mechanics, Applications, Spin and the pauli principle, The transition from quantum mechanics to approximate theories and to molecular dynamics.

s88 Pages

An introduction to Schrodinger quantum mechanics

This note covers Mathematical elements, Schrodinger equations, Applications, Heisenberg indeterminacy principle, Links and further reading.

s31 Pages

Radiation Physics for Personnel and Environmental Protection by J Donald Cossairt

This note explains basic radiation physics concepts and units of measurement, General considerations of radiation fields at accelerators, Prompt radiation fields due to electrons, Prompt radiation Fields due to protons and ions, Low energy prompt neutron radiation phenomena, Shielding materials and neutron energy spectra, Induced radioactivity in accelerator components, Induced radioactivity in environmental media and  radiation protection instrumentation at accelerators.

s328 Pages

Principles Of Radiation Interactions by MIT

This page has PDF links to the following topics related to Radiation physics : Radiation Interactions, Radiation Chemistry, Effects on Chromosomes or DNA, Dose Response in Vitro: Cell Survival Curves, RBE or Clustered Damage, Protons and Alphas of same LET, Dose Response in Vivo, Chemical Modification of Radiation Response, Cell, Tissue and Tumor Kinetics, Radiation Therapy: Tumor Radiobiology, Radiation Therapy : Fractionation, Acute Effects of Whole Body Exposure, Late Effects: Chronic Exposure or Low Doses, Alpha Particles/Bystander Effect, Microbeams, RBE of Diagnostic X Rays, BNCT or Other Modalities.

sNA Pages

Lecture Notes on Relativity by Juan A. Valiente Kroon

This note explains the following topics: Special relativity, Prelude to general relativity, Differential geometry and tensor calculus, Curvature and general relativity.

s80 Pages

Introduction to Special Relativity

This note covers Reference frames, The postulates of special relativity, Consequences of the relativity postulates, Proper time and the invariant interval, Lorentz transformations I, Applications of the Lorentz transformation, The pole and barn paradox, Relativistic velocity addition formula, The twin paradox, Lorentz transformation II, The position 2 vector, 2 vectors, The velocity 2 vector, The energy momentum 2 vector, Binding energies and relativistic kinematics.

s81 Pages

Course notes for Solid State Physics by Jacques Tempere

This note covers Second quantization, Electrons and phonons, Greens functions and feynman diagrams, Dielectric function and linear response and Superconductivity.

s155 Pages

Introductory Solid State Physics

This note covers Bravais lattice or how to pack a crystal, Symmetry as the guiding principle, Systematics of crystals symmetry groups, Unpacking the crystal structure, Spaces of crystallography, Structure factor, Bonding in crystals, Mechanical properties, Dielectric properties, Phonons and sound, Phonons and light and phonons and the reciprocal lattice.

s65 Pages