This page has PDF links to the following topics related
to Radiation physics : Radiation Interactions, Radiation Chemistry, Effects on
Chromosomes or DNA, Dose Response in Vitro: Cell Survival Curves, RBE or Clustered
Damage, Protons and Alphas of same LET, Dose Response in Vivo, Chemical
Modification of Radiation Response, Cell, Tissue and Tumor Kinetics, Radiation
Therapy: Tumor Radiobiology, Radiation Therapy : Fractionation, Acute
Effects of Whole Body Exposure, Late Effects: Chronic Exposure or Low Doses, Alpha
Particles/Bystander Effect, Microbeams, RBE of Diagnostic X Rays, BNCT or Other
Author(s): Prof. Jeffrey Coderre, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
The purpose of this note is to
explain a range of principles and actual devices used to detect photons and
ionized particles. Topics covered includes: Interaction of particles and
radiation with matter, Units and detector characteristics, Gas-filled detectors,
Surface photoemission detectors , Semiconductor detectors.
This book covers the following topics: Basic Radiation Physics Concepts
and Units of Measurement , General Considerations of Radiation Fields at
Accelerators , Prompt Radiation Fields Due to Electrons, Prompt Radiation Fields
Due to Protons and Ions, Low Energy Prompt Neutron Radiation Phenomena ,
Shielding Materials and Neutron Energy Spectra, Induced Radioactivity in
Accelerator Components , Induced Radioactivity in Environmental Media, Radiation
Protection Instrumentation at Accelerators.
book covers the following topics: Photon Monte Carlo Simulation, Electron Monte
Carlo Simulation, Transport in media, interaction models, Macroscopic Radiation
physics, Photon dose calculation models, Electron dose calculation models,
onization chamber-based air kerma standards.