The contents in this pdf note include:Useful
References and Texts, Philosophy, Review of Lagrangians and Harmonic
Oscillators, Balls and Springs, Free Scalar Quantum Field Theory with Special
Relativity, Interactions in Classical Field Theory with a View Towards QFT,
Overview of Scattering and Perturbation Theory, Old Fashioned Perturbation
Theory, Feynman Rules as a Generalization of Classical Physics, The Hamiltonian
Formalism for Perturbation Theory, Feynman Rules from the Hamiltonian Formalism,
Particles with Spin, Covariant Derivatives and Scalar QED, Scattering and Ward
Identities in Scalar QED, Spinors and QED, Quantization and Feynman Rules for
QED, Casimir E ect, The Exact -pt Correlator { Kallen-Lehmann Representation,
Large Logarithms and Renormalization Flows, QM Example of Wilsonian
Renormalization, Wilsonian Renormalization Flows, Path Integrals, Path Integrals
and Statistical Physics, Discrete Symmetries and Spinors, More on Spin and
Statistics, QED Vacuum Polarization and Anomalous Magnetic Moment,
Renormalization and QED, IR Divergences and Long Wavelength Physics,
Implications of Unitarity, Interlude on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Overview of
Lie Algebra Classi cation and Representations, Spontaneously Broken Global
Symmetries and Goldstone Bosons, Renormalization in YM and Asymptotic Freedom,
Higgs Mechanism, Parton Model and Deep Inelastic Scattering, Anomalies as Almost
Local E ects, Cosmological Perturbation Theory.
Author(s): Jared Kaplan, Department of Physics and
Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University
The contents in this pdf note include:Useful
References and Texts, Philosophy, Review of Lagrangians and Harmonic
Oscillators, Balls and Springs, Free Scalar Quantum Field Theory with Special
Relativity, Interactions in Classical Field Theory with a View Towards QFT,
Overview of Scattering and Perturbation Theory, Old Fashioned Perturbation
Theory, Feynman Rules as a Generalization of Classical Physics, The Hamiltonian
Formalism for Perturbation Theory, Feynman Rules from the Hamiltonian Formalism,
Particles with Spin, Covariant Derivatives and Scalar QED, Scattering and Ward
Identities in Scalar QED, Spinors and QED, Quantization and Feynman Rules for
QED, Casimir E ect, The Exact -pt Correlator { Kallen-Lehmann Representation,
Large Logarithms and Renormalization Flows, QM Example of Wilsonian
Renormalization, Wilsonian Renormalization Flows, Path Integrals, Path Integrals
and Statistical Physics, Discrete Symmetries and Spinors, More on Spin and
Statistics, QED Vacuum Polarization and Anomalous Magnetic Moment,
Renormalization and QED, IR Divergences and Long Wavelength Physics,
Implications of Unitarity, Interlude on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Overview of
Lie Algebra Classi cation and Representations, Spontaneously Broken Global
Symmetries and Goldstone Bosons, Renormalization in YM and Asymptotic Freedom,
Higgs Mechanism, Parton Model and Deep Inelastic Scattering, Anomalies as Almost
Local E ects, Cosmological Perturbation Theory.
Author(s): Jared Kaplan, Department of Physics and
Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University
This note describes the following topics: Classical particles and waves, Physical background and wave-particle duality,
Wave mechanics, The Born interpretation, The harmonic oscillator, The
mathematical structure of quantum theory, Statistical aspects of quantum theory,
Angular momentum, The hydrogen atom.